ASW - Cloud Layouts

ASW - Cloud Layouts

The Cloud Layouts feature saves steps in the process of producing a transcript. It's also a useful way to back up your layouts in our cloud.

Enable Cloud Layouts

The first step you need to take is to enable this feature. It is enabled on a per-user basis. Start by opening the Members page for your organization where you'll notice the Manage Cloud Layouts column. This is disabled by default.

To enable this feature, click on the name of the user you wish to enable to open the User Details page. There you will see a switch labeled "Can manage cloud layouts". Flip this switch and return to the Members page. You should now see a check mark for that user in the above highlighted column.

NOTE: This user must also belong to a team that has the "Edit Jobs" permission. Directions for team permissions are here: ASW Setup - Teams

Upload a Layout

Layouts are uploaded to the cloud using the AutoScript Desktop client. Please refer to THIS SECTION of the ASD User guide for full directions.

Using a Cloud Layout

Click the [+ Create Job Button] in the workspace where you want to draft the new job. As with any job, a title and an audio file are required. Once you've entered a title and added your audio, you can click on the "Cloud Layout" selector to choose which layout you want to use. If you click the drop-down arrow and then start typing the name of the layout you want to use, the list will filter as you type. This can be useful if you have a large number of layouts.

Once you've entered all the details you need for the job, submit the job as you would any other. ( JOB CREATION REFERENCE )

After your job has finished processing, click on the Job Title to view the Job Details page. You'll see that you already have the first version of the transcript available. Click on the icon to open the job in AutoScript Desktop, or you can click the download link to download the Word DOCX version of the transcript. Your speech-to-text rough copy is already inserted into your document for you.

What If I Picked the Wrong Layout?

If you chose the wrong layout when you created the job, you can easily switch to the correct layout. DIRECTIONS HERE

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