ASW - Job Versions

ASW - Job Versions

Our system for job versions has been totally overhauled. As you can see in the section on job creation, the process for starting a job has changed. In this section we'll examine how versions work now and the different ways you might work with them.

Versions Section of Job Details

For this section we'll look at a job that's been through all of the possible status changes for the fictional agency Remote Proofs. Here is an image of the Versions section in the Job Details for one of their jobs. We'll examine the columns first, then we'll step through the rows.

ASSIGNEE:  This is the user that was assigned to the job, or who claimed the job therefore assigning themselves to the job.
CHECKOUT:  This is the date and time they first claimed or opened the job.
STATUS:  This is the job status at the time they worked on the job.
ORIGINATING VERSION:  This is the version which they opened to do their work on the job.
  This is a link to download a DOCX copy of the version in its current status.
 This is a link to open this version in AutoScript Desktop.

Each row is a version of the job. Let's look closer at how they were created and what the details in each column show us.
Row A:  This version was created when Operations member Sarah used the [Start editing in AutoScript] button to open the job and apply the correct template/layout for the job. She did NOT claim the job at this point. Since she opened the original Speech-to-Text (STT), that was the originating version of her version of the job.
Row B:  Scopist team member Randy claimed the job for editing on ASW and opened it by clicking on the icon next to Sarah's version. He scoped the document and clicked the [Complete Job] button in AutoScript Desktop (ASD). This saved his local work, uploaded everything to ASW, and marked the job as "Edited". Since he started with Sarah's version, that is what is reflected in the Originating Version column.
Row C:  Proofer team member Garry then claimed the job for proofreading on ASW and clicked the  icon next to Randy's version to open the job in ASD. He proofread the job and closed ASD. When he was presented with the closing choices in ASD he selected "Complete Job" which does the same actions as described for Randy.
Row D: Finally, Ops team member Corey claimed the job for final on ASW and clicked the  icon next to Garry's version to open the job in ASD. Once he was done reviewing the document and making final changes, he clicked [Accept all and stop tracking] in ASD. Then he closed ASD and selected "Complete Job" when prompted with his closing choices. At this point the entire job was marked complete and was ready for delivery to the client.
If you are an independent contractor, you will only see one version row which will be updated as you work on your transcript in ASD. For your purposes, this is more of a cloud backup of your work. You can click the  in ASW to open the latest web version in ASD. This is useful is your computer dies or you're moving between computers.

What is a version?

A version is created the first time a user opens a file in ASD and then uploads back to ASW. A new version is created for each new new user, or for each new status of the job even if it's the same user. If you're an IC that's preparing to work with a larger agency, you can use the same procedures yourself of changing the job status, claiming the job, then marking each as done until it's in "Complete" status.

What if We Need to Rewind?

There are times when the best of people make mistakes. Maybe your scopist isn't doing so great and you need to assign the job to another person. Easy enough to do as that new person can just open the appropriate version to start from. More commonly, maybe you as the ops team member used the wrong template at the very beginning. In that case you just click on the Speech-to-Text version link to open the job in ASD and apply the correct layout/template, then upload. Mischief will be managed!

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