Release Notes - AutoScript Platform - August 5th, 2024

Release Notes - AutoScript Platform - August 5th, 2024

You may notice that a few things have changed when you log into AutoScript Web (ASW) and AutoScript Desktop (ASD) on August 5th, 2024. Here is a summary of the changes and additions.

Changes and Improvements

  1. ASD: default NEW layout settings changed to match majority standards. Changed “by” to “BY”, and replaced 5 spaces after Q&A to a tab. This only affects newly created layouts and will not change your existing layouts.
  2. RS PRO: Preparatory measures are in place behind-the-scenes to prepare for transition of RS Pro as a subscription service within AutoScript Web. No more email hassles with VoiceScript (VS) Support team when creating and modifying your RS Pro subscription. Expected completion for this transition is sometime in September 2024. Keep your eyes open for updates on this transition.

New Features

  1. ASD: Ability to change start page for ASCII Exports. This option is presented to the user during ASCII Export.
  2. ASD: Duplicate Q&A check, Any consecutive Q & A symbols are highlighted and shown to the user so they can review the section and correct a very commonly made mistake while editing and proofreading. NOTE: This will not work on old jobs. Create a new job to test this item. The button is on the Home tab.
  3. ASD: Open job list should display the most recent jobs on top of list
  4. ASD: Select multiple jobs for deletion. You can now select multiple jobs at once in Jobs panel to delete them.
  5. ASD: Adding the layout to a transcript automatically if user chooses the layout manually in ASD. The layout MUST include the [ASR] placeholder that is required for Cloud Layouts. If the [ASR] placeholder is present, the ASR text is automatically inserted in the layout when the user applies the layout to the job they're opening from ASW.
  6. ASD: Users who no longer have permission to a job cannot upload versions of that job.
  7. ASD: Users with the correct permission can upload a job to ASW that has been added to ASD using the [Import Job] button.
  8. ASD: ASD automatically adjusts capitalization when punctuation marks are added or removed. READ MORE HERE
  9. ASD: Lower case i auto-corrects to upper case I after hitting space bar when typing.
  10. ASD: Hotkey Export/Import allows users to share their hotkey settings with other users, especially useful for agencies with expected standards. Also useful for users setting up ASD on a new computer. This new feature is available from the Hotkeys dialog opened from the Home tab.
  11. ASD: Ability to apply a different layout to a job that already has a layout applied. VERY useful and highly requested feature that's helpful when the wrong layout was used and much work was already done on the transcript. New feature is on Layouts Library, via the [Migrate To] button. NOTE: Only works for user with "Edit Jobs" permissions. (FULL ARTICLE COMING SOON)
  12. ASD: Default Hotkeys now include ALT+Q for "Insert Question" and ALT+A for "Insert Answer".
  13. ASD: Added new basic layouts for new users to get their feet wet without intervention from VS Support.
  1. ASW: New advanced search user interface on All Jobs screen.
  2. ASW: File versioning: added new column with date and time of each version upload.
  3. ASW: Users can now move and delete multiple jobs at once, very useful for Operations staff.
  4. ASW: There is no longer a minimum audio length when submitting a job. Only need ten seconds transcribed? Go for it!
  5. ASW: The User Details page in organization's Members page should display the job assignment history for that user.
  6. ASW: VS Admins can now move jobs between organizations. This means that when you have an issue with a job, VS Admins can fix the issue and move the corrected job to your org/worksapce. No more need to refund the job and have you do the work to re-run the job. We're very excited to finally have this ability to help you!
  7. ASW: You can now add a job to a Case from the Job Details screen.
  8. ASW: VS Admins now have better tools to more quickly assist you when dealing with your ASW problems.

Bug Fixes

  1. ASD:  Removing highlight color no longer causes text to change.
  2. ASD:  Reduced issues when reinstalling/updating program.
  3. ASD:  "SAVE AS" window opened by pressing F12 should now work the same as using the button on the File tab.
  4. ASD:  The Capitalize Each Word (Title Case) option has been added to the button on the Home tab. It is still available via the default shortcut [Shift]+[F4].
  5. ASD:  Login screen is blank white screen; this issue should be resolved. Please report if it still happens. (Temporary solution HERE)
  6. ASD:  Save As button (and shortcut) no longer includes Track Changes information in resulting DOCX file.
  7. ASD:  ASD now warns if you try to use a local job name that will not work (too long, invalid characters, etc.).
  8. ASW:  My Account - Users can now update their name and password.
  9. ASW:  Fixed problems while editing Workspace URL.
  10. ASW:  Fixed issue that occurred when using Case feature to create Bulk Jobs.
  11. ASW:  Assign Members permission should now be the only requirement to assign jobs to members.
  12. ASW:  Fixed issue where sometimes a user was prevented from creating a new workspace.
  13. ASW:  Fixed issue where users in the same organization with the correct permissions couldn't see or manage Cloud Layouts added by another user in the organization.
  14. ASW:  When adding multiple audio files to a job, they should be in the order which you selected them. As always, TRM files (FTR files) are automatically rearranged to be in the correct order.
What Hasn't Changed?

Our renowned support staff is prepared to help you improve your operations. As always, if you have questions or problems, use the link above to Request Help and our support staff will address your concern as soon as possible.

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