ASW - Organization Setup - Workspaces

ASW - Organization Setup - Workspaces

The Admin will begin by clicking the gear icon on the Organization to enter the Organization setup. From there we'll focus on the Workspace section.

1. Click the title of the workspace to see the details and make changes.
2. Click here to create a new workspace.
3. Click here to delete a workspace.

The RemoteProofs Ops staff has decided that they need the following workspaces to manage their workflow. This list will also include the teams that need access to the workspaces.
Staging - A workspace for preparing jobs.
      Teams Required: RP Admins, RP Ops
Production - A workspace for jobs that are ready for editing and proofing.
      Teams Required: RP Admins, RP Ops, Editor, Proofer
Training - A workspace for editors that are in training status.
      Teams Required: RP Admins, RP Ops, Proofer, Editor Trainee (we'll need to create this team; do you remember how?)
Rush Jobs - A workspace for jobs that have a tight deadline and are only available to the RP Rush team.
      Teams Required: RP Admins, RP Ops, RP Rush (we'll also need to create this team)
Finalize - A workspace for jobs that are complete and need finishing touches from Ops before sending to the client.
      Teams Required: RP Admins, RP Ops
Archive - A workspace for jobs that are complete and have been delivered. It's also where the Billing team will look for the information it needs to update the books for RemoteProofs.
      Teams Required: RP Admins, RP Ops, Billing
Default - Remote proofs will not use this workspace, so the admin will delete this.

We'll walk through the steps to create the Staging workspace first. The Admin clicks the [Create Workspace] button. This is the dialog she will see.

She will enter "Staging" for the Workspace Name and "rp-staging" for the URL.

(If she tried to enter a URL that's already been used in that organization, she would see a warning in red text that says, "This URL is already in use".)

As with the other items in ASW that have a name and a URL, the URL part is what will display in the address bar of the browser. Consequently, only a-z, 0-9, and the hyphen characters are allowed here. So if your workspace name was "Training Jobs", since you cannot use spaces in the URL, a good choice for the URL would be "training-jobs". 
Put simply,  Workspace Name is the human-friendly version, and URL is the computer-friendly version.

The Admin has entered the information required and clicks [Create]. The new workspace appears in the list, but there's still one more step to make the workspace useful.

The Admin clicks the "Staging" title in the list and now sees the following.

The Admin can click either of the highlighted buttons and she will see this dialog.

From here, she will click on the teams that need permission to access the workspace. Once the required teams are highlighted, she will click [Add].

 Now she sees the following.

From here, the Admin will add the extra teams she needs and finish adding workspaces and assigning teams using the process above. Once she's done, this is what the Admin will see.

Now it's time to start adding members and assigning them to their teams.

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