ASW - Creating and Assigning Jobs - Organizations -- Rush Workflow ("Claim" Hybrid)

ASW - Creating and Assigning Jobs - Organizations -- Rush Workflow ("Claim" Hybrid)

Like many organizations, RemoteProofs has a Rush Team. As we mentioned before, this is a team of highly qualified editors/proofers who have been trusted to perform both roles and trusted to perform those roles quickly for jobs that need it. I've called this a "Claim" Hybrid because one team member will fill both roles, but they will still follow the "Claim" process for self-assignment for each of the roles.

One of the jobs that Sarah drafted was expected to be a rush job, and it turns out that she was right. The deposed attorney requested a rush job on the order of the transcript. So Corey will start the process by moving the "Ready for Editing" job from the Staging workspace to the Rush Jobs workspace.

Now we'll meet Garry, a member of the Rush Team. Garry receives a text from Corey that a rush job is available, so Garry logs in to ASW lickety-split. Since Garry is also a member of the Editor and Proofer teams, he will have to select the Rush Jobs workspace after he logs in. And there it is, Garry's rush job!

Here's where the slight differences come in. They're so simple that I'll just list the steps.
Garry clicks [Claim Job] on the job in the list. The status and button change.
Garry edits the job uploads his draft, selecting the "Complete Job" option. This allows Ops to view his draft work.
Garry goes back to the ASW where the job now displays "Ready for Proofreading" and he clicks [Claim Job] again.
Garry then opens the job, starting with his draft version, and opens the job again in ASD. He adds "-proofing" at the end of the job name since he already has a job with that name in his ASD job list.
Garry revises his draft and when it's ready he uploads, again using the "Complete Job" option.
The job disappears from Garry's view and we're now at the same final step as with the normal "Claim" workflow. Corey will see that the job is Ready for Final and move it to the Finalize workspace.

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