ASW - Creating and Assigning Jobs - Organizations -- Production Workflow ("Claim" Assignment)

ASW - Creating and Assigning Jobs - Organizations -- Production Workflow ("Claim" Assignment)

For most of their jobs, RemoteProofs uses the "Claim" method for assigning work to their editors and proofers. Let's look at how that process works now.

Our intrepid Ops team lead Corey is back at his computer and sees that some jobs are done processing in the Staging workspace. He will use the Move icon (  ) to move the appropriate jobs to the Production workspace. He's done! It's now up to the members of the Editor and Proofer teams to claim a job they want to work on. It's a first-come, first-served model of job assignment.

Let's start with one of the RemoteProofs editors, Randy. When he logs in his dashboard looks like this.

1. A count of Randy's active and completed jobs, and a list of Randy's active jobs. Randy only has one job at this time and he's ready for more. We'll fix that soon.
2. A count of how many jobs are available, as well as Randy's limit for concurrent jobs. The limit was set by Ops using the directions HERE.
3. A list of all the jobs that are available to claim at this time.
4. The Deadline Calendar showing dates where Randy has jobs with a deadline that day. If Randy hovers over the dates, a highlight appears on days that apply, and clicking on the date displays the jobs that are due that day.

Randy sees that there are jobs available so he'll click on the Job List link under the Production workspace. (Because the Editors team only has access to the Production workspace, it's the only workspace Randy can see. He doesn't even need to select it.) he could also just click on the job link displayed in the available section.

Randy can see a nice big list of jobs to choose from, but not for long. He needs to pick one quickly by clicking the [Claim Job] button. If he went directly to the Job Details, he can use the [Claim Job] button displayed there.

As soon as Randy claims the job, from either view, the list updates to reflect his self-assignment to the job, much like when Trevor directly assigned Jacob. Additionally, the Status has changed to Editing and the [Claim Job] button changed to [Mark as Edited].

Randy will enter the Job Details to open the job in ASD on his computer, edit it, and upload the job back to ASW. Once he's done he will click the [Mark as Edited] button. The job disappears from Randy's view since his team only has Edit Transcript permissions. Here's the new view of the Job List in the Production workspace for Proofer team member Phil.

Phil can see that there is a job available for proofreading and he can click the [Claim Job] button to self-assign the job. Note that Phil can also see the jobs ready for editing. This is because of how we set up the permissions earlier. At RemoteProofs, Proofers are trained from the current pool of Editors. So we set the permission earlier for Proofers to edit jobs as well if they feel like it. Phil will claim the job using the button and his list view will now look like the following.

Phil's information appears in the Assignee column, the Status changed to Proofreading, and the [Claim Job] button changed to [Mark as Proofread]. Just like Randy before him, Phil will  open the job in ASD, proofread it, and then upload it back to ASW. Phil will then take advantage of the "Complete Job" option when he closes ASD, which uploads his work and does the same thing as clicking the [Mark as Proofread] button. The job disappears from Phil's view.

When our Ops team lead Corey (or any other member of that team) logs in, he will see the job as follows.

From here, Corey will move this job to the Finalize workspace. We'll see what he does with it in a later section.

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