ASW - Creating and Assigning Jobs - Organizations -- Drafting Jobs

ASW - Creating and Assigning Jobs - Organizations -- Drafting Jobs

It can be useful to draft a job so that everything is ready when the audio from a proceeding is finally delivered. We'll look at that process now.

Sarah is the RemoteProofs client liaison and part of the Ops team. 

She just received notices for some pending depositions.

She will draft the jobs in the Staging workspace so that everything is ready when the audio and final paperwork come in.

She'll start by selecting the Staging workspace and then clicking the [+ Create New Job] button.

From there Sarah will enter every bit of information she can. 

She'll enter a descriptive title using the company's format with key pieces of information to help the job stand out in the list of other jobs.

She'll enter helpful notes for his fellow Ops team members since she may not be the member that submits the job once the audio is delivered.

She'll set the expected deadline.

The only thing she won't do is upload the audio and assign a scopist.

She'll finish by clicking the [Save Draft] button.

Once Sarah drafts jobs for all the proceedings she received notices for, her view of the Staging workspace Job List will look like the following.

All of the RemoteProofs Ops team members share the responsibility to keep the jobs flowing. So when the files and audio all come in, the Ops team lead Corey will take over the process since he's available to do it. 

Just like Sarah, Jamie will select the Staging workspace after he logs in, and then he'll click the Job Title of a draft job for which he's ready to upload audio.

 This opens the details of the job and Corey can select the audio files needed for each job, update the notes and deadline if necessary, and then he'll click [Calculate Price]. Once he's sure the audio length is correct, he'll click [Transcribe].

 Once Corey has gone through all of the draft jobs to add audio and begin ASR processing, his view of the Staging workspace will look like the following.

OPTIONAL STEP:  RemoteProofs Ops will open the job in ASD, apply the correct template, insert the ASR text, then upload the job back to ASW before assigning jobs or offering jobs for self-assignment.

Once the jobs have finished processing, it's time to assign them to members of various teams. We'll cover that process next.

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