ASW - Billing Account

ASW - Billing Account

We hope that you will find our service of such great use that you want to continue using it after your introductory free Credit Balance runs out. At that time you will need to add a payment method and top-up your Credit Balance. 

Billing Setup

Begin by clicking the Credit Balance gear icon, which opens the Billing Account Details.

From here, click the "Add New Method" link to enter the credit card information you wish to use.

Now, you will see the redacted credit card information displayed in the Payment Method block. PLEASE NOTE: you may have to refresh the page for the changes to appear.

You may have noticed that the card is about to expire. Let's fast-forward in time to next year when you have to update the payment method. You will do the same thing as you did the first time to Add New Method with your new card. But then you will need to take an extra step. Click the triple-dots next to Payment Method and click History. From the Payment Method History dialog, check the new Default payment method. You can also delete the old payment method at this time.

Adding Funds Before Running Jobs

Once your billing account is set up, you will need to top-up your account. Do this by clicking the "Add Funds" link in the Credit Balance block. You will see the following dialog.

There are a few important items to take note of here.
Minimum -  The minimum amount is $10.
Rate - your audio hour rate is displayed on the right. You will see that as you are able to deposit more, your rate improves.
Starter, Freelancer, Pro, and Business Buttons - Clicking these options moves the slider to the amount described in the text. However, what really matters is...
Balance after top-up - If your balance after funds are added is over the stated amount, your audio hour rate will decrease accordingly.
Limit - You will notice that the slider only goes up to the minimum required to attain the Business rate. However, you can enter a higher amount manually in the Amount box.
[Pay now] - When you are satisfied with the amount to be added, click this button to submit the payment. NOTE there is no further confirmation and clicking the button will charge your stored payment method.
NOTE - You may have to refresh the page after clicking [Pay now] to see your updated balance.
This payment structure allows individuals and smaller agencies to build their way up to a better rate. Perhaps you only use $50 of ASR per month, but you have room in your budget to deposit $200 each month. After only a few months you would have built up a high enough balance to reduce your audio hour rate. We hope that this is a more attainable goal for reduced rates than the previous package model.

Adding Funds During Job Creation

It is possible that you may not notice your funds may be too low to submit a new job before you go through the steps of creating the new job. No worries; you can do it as part of the job creation steps. Let's see what it will look like then describe all the steps.

First, take notice that the current account balance isn't enough to submit the job. Consequently, you'll have to click the "Add Funds" link which will open the familiar Prepaid Credit Balance dialog. Notice that the amount will default to the nearest whole dollar amount required to submit the job after adding to your existing balance. (If the amount required is less than the minimum payment amount, you'll have to add the minimum amount. After clicking the [Pay now] button, you'll see a status dialog. If it seems to be taking too long, you can click the [Refresh] button. Finally, once the payment has finished processing, you'll receive a confirmation dialog where you can click [Ok]. From there you'll be back at the Confirm dialog and the [Transcribe] button will be enabled.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this article, please click [No] under "Was this article helpful?", enter your comments in the box that appears, and click [Send]. We'll respond as soon as we can to your feedback.

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